Socially awesome kindergartener


IRISH DANCING AND IRISH DRINKING!!  Socially awesome kindergartener

Fruit by the foot for lunch? I own the lunch table

Fruit by the foot for lunch? I own the lunch table  Socially awesome kindergartener

Get picked on by physically smaller bully Powerbomb bully and become a hero!

Get picked on by physically smaller bully Powerbomb bully and become a hero!  Socially awesome kindergartener

I am high on DUBBLE BUBBLE. I had it for breakfast, lunch AND DINNER!

I am high on DUBBLE BUBBLE.  I had it for breakfast, lunch AND DINNER!  Socially awesome kindergartener

Fuck jacks Lets Play Dodgeball

Fuck jacks Lets Play Dodgeball  Socially awesome kindergartener

naughty girl, its wrong to bully immediately learns lesson and becomes good person

naughty girl, its wrong to bully immediately learns lesson and becomes good person  Socially awesome kindergartener

Last out the door first to the swings

Last out the door first to the swings  Socially awesome kindergartener

Left at zoo more time to see the elephants

Left at zoo more time to see the elephants  Socially awesome kindergartener

Farts in class and blames on teacher she takes the blame

Farts in class and blames on teacher she takes the blame  Socially awesome kindergartener

30 in a row on jump rope, double Dutch, bitches

30 in a row on jump rope, double Dutch, bitches  Socially awesome kindergartener
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