Socially Awkward Penguin

Goes to a party full of girls makes best friends with the dog

Goes to a party full of girls makes best friends with the dog  Socially Awkward Penguin

"Would you like an appetizer, sir?" Yes, could I have the breastdicks

More Excited When Plans Get Cancelled

More Excited When Plans Get Cancelled   Socially Awkward Penguin

Switch to another tab when boss passes by tab is still unrelated to work

Switch to another tab when boss passes by tab is still unrelated to work  Socially Awkward Penguin

Walks into blacklight room Checks hands and crotch

Walks into blacklight room Checks hands and crotch    Socially Awkward Penguin

Too dumb when drunk too shy when sober

Too dumb when drunk  too shy when sober   Socially Awkward Penguin

Waitress: How are you doing hun? Delicious.

Waitress: How are you doing hun? Delicious.  Socially Awkward Penguin

Starving upstairs doesn't want to go downstairs to get food and have to interact with guests

Starving upstairs doesn't want to go downstairs to get food  and have to interact with guests  Socially Awkward Penguin

Move to put arm around girl accidentally elbow her face

Move to put arm around girl accidentally elbow her face  Socially Awkward Penguin

Add weight to machine after im done with it So that the person who uses it after me will think i'm stronger than i really am

Add weight to machine after im done with it So that the person who uses it after me will think i'm stronger than i really am  Socially Awkward Penguin
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