Socially Awkward Penguin

Walks into a crowded restroom didn't have to pee anyway

Walks into a crowded restroom didn't have to pee anyway  Socially Awkward Penguin

Must take a drug test for a job Deletes google history on phone before going so there is no evidence of reading up on how to pass

Must take a drug test for a job Deletes google history on phone before going so there is no evidence of reading up on how to pass    Socially Awkward Penguin

Finds hot reddit girl on okcupid introduces himself with an internet meme

Finds hot reddit girl on okcupid introduces himself with an internet meme  Socially Awkward Penguin

"Don't worry dude This is the first time I've driven sober in, like, years." Gets Pulled over

"ill just wait a little to text her back so i don't look like a stalker" forgets to text back

Tries to send coworker smiley face accidentally sends kissy face

Tries to send  coworker smiley face  accidentally sends kissy face   Socially Awkward Penguin

Has opportunity to get top comment on front page of reddit "..."

Has opportunity to get top comment on front page of reddit

"Hey, want to come over for dinner with my family and I?" FUCK.

Walking next to crush in dream Wakes up hyperventilating

Walking next to crush in dream Wakes up hyperventilating   Socially Awkward Penguin

friend request from girl on facebook accept then immediately look through own photo's to see what she will be looking at

friend request from girl on facebook accept then immediately look through own photo's to see what she will be looking at  Socially Awkward Penguin
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