Socially Awkward Couple

In a long distance relationship Forgets about 6 hour time difference and says "good morning" when it's 3:30 pm.

In a long distance relationship Forgets about 6 hour time difference and says

Go to kiss her Burp in her face

Go to kiss her Burp in her face  Socially Awkward Couple

tries to hold hands finds out it's not the same girl he came in with

tries to hold hands  finds out it's not the same girl he came in with  Socially Awkward Couple

Walk holding hands have to switch hands because "It's the wrong side"

Walk holding hands have to switch hands because

tries to hold hands hand fart

tries to hold hands hand fart  Socially Awkward Couple

notice shes ugly compared to your friends girl she notice your the best looking guy in the room

notice shes ugly compared to your friends girl she notice your the best looking guy in the room  Socially Awkward Couple

Will you marry me? "Okay."

Will you marry me?

Go to kiss Headbut one another

Go to kiss Headbut one another  Socially Awkward Couple

"Let's go to a romantic restaurant!" no eye contact

constantly text 3rd, 4th, and 5th wheel friends to hang out Refuse to talk, complain about everything and back home by 7pm when someone agrees to join them

constantly text 3rd, 4th, and 5th wheel friends to hang out Refuse to talk, complain about everything and back home by 7pm when someone agrees to join them  Socially Awkward Couple
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