Socially Awkward Couple

Enjoy Socially Awkward Meme So Much Together create account to make socially awkward couple memesevi

Enjoy Socially Awkward Meme So Much Together create account to make socially awkward couple memesevi  Socially Awkward Couple

Skype video-chat for hours Say almost nothing. Then fall asleep.

Skype video-chat for hours Say almost nothing.
Then fall asleep.   Socially Awkward Couple

Go out to see a movie end up in a forest

Go out to see a movie end up in a forest  Socially Awkward Couple

finally goes to bed with a girl holds her all night, becomes best friends

finally goes to bed with a girl holds her all night, becomes best friends  Socially Awkward Couple

Only form of communication is through memes

Only form of communication is through memes  Socially Awkward Couple

Reach for hand handshake

Reach for hand handshake  Socially Awkward Couple

Have deep, meaningful chats online at night Can't make eye contact in person

Have deep, meaningful chats online at night Can't make eye contact in person  Socially Awkward Couple

each other's first kiss met in college

each other's first kiss met in college  Socially Awkward Couple

2 Words Matching Sweaters

2 Words Matching Sweaters  Socially Awkward Couple

Long-distance for months Forget what couples do together

Long-distance for months Forget what couples do together  Socially Awkward Couple
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