Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Condom doesn't fit right when she puts it on me "Fuck it, I'm horny We'll just go bareback this time"

Condom doesn't fit right when she puts it on me

Facetiously asks "are you trying to get in my pants?" "Yep."

Facetiously asks

Eats shit longboarding in front of hot females they rush to help and give both of their numbers along with invites to parties this weekend

Eats shit longboarding in front of hot females they rush to help and give both of their numbers along with invites to parties this weekend  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Didn't tell new girlfriend I'm a virgin She says I'm the best she's ever had

Didn't tell new girlfriend I'm a virgin She says I'm the best she's ever had  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Friends start making out lesbians

Friends start making out lesbians  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Too shy to ask out crush, tripped in front of her she helps him up, then askes him out

Too shy to ask out crush, tripped in front of her she helps him up, then askes him out  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Mistook stranger for old boyfriend got his number

Mistook stranger for old boyfriend got his number  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Didn't get a prom date Saved $90

Didn't get a prom date Saved $90  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Picking nose Fingers smell like Lady-parts

Picking nose Fingers smell like Lady-parts  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

late to class walks in just as name is called on the roll

late to class walks in just as name is called on the roll  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin
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