Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Accidentally touches girl boob in public transportation She likes it and smiles He overly apologies

Accidentally touches girl boob in public transportation She likes it and smiles He overly apologies  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

cute girl catches me staring at her ass she says that I can keep looking because I'm never going to get it

cute girl catches me staring at her ass she says that I can keep looking because I'm never going to get it  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

I got a girlfriend She's pregnant, I'm the father Non biological...

I got a girlfriend She's pregnant, I'm the father Non biological...  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Checks /r/adviceanimals daily Unsubscribes Makes a meme about it

Checks /r/adviceanimals daily Unsubscribes Makes a meme about it   Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Panic because I didn't study for a final exam Wake up from dream realized I work full time now

Panic because I didn't study for a final exam Wake up from dream realized I work full time now  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

breaks up with me says she wants to have kids with me never saw her again

breaks up with me says she wants to have kids with me never saw her again  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Blocked from Facebook at the nazi Library Not sure why, but I can get on Facebook now Now I feel like I'm being watched.

Blocked from Facebook at the nazi Library Not sure why, but I can get on Facebook now Now I feel like I'm being watched.  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Walks with 2 friends on sidewalk, always end up behind pushes the front they both fall back

Walks with 2 friends on sidewalk, always end up behind pushes the front they both fall back   Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Feeling fat all week Realize it's just bloating from pms because someone pointed out the blood on your skirt

Feeling fat all week Realize it's just bloating from pms because someone pointed out the blood on your skirt
  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

single for seven years finally got a BF broke up because he didn't manage the relationship. "ooh, I didn't think this would be that hard."

single for seven years finally got a BF broke up because he didn't manage the relationship.
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