Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Doesn't shower for two days Gets numerous compliments on my hair people were being sarcastic

Doesn't shower for two days Gets numerous compliments on my hair people were being sarcastic   Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Get rejected by crush It was a dream rejected irl anyway

Get rejected by crush It was a dream rejected irl anyway  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Hear break up song on the radio Can't relate to it Can't relate to it

Hear break up song on the radio Can't relate to it Can't relate to it  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Loses an argument thinks up great comeback later caught rehearsing to self

Loses an argument thinks up great comeback later caught rehearsing to self  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Walks in to class late and everyone stares at me all the girls smile at me teacher was showing the class a goofy baby picture of me since i was late

Walks in to class late and everyone stares at me all the girls smile at me teacher was showing the class a goofy baby picture of me since i was late  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

someone starts rumor about me for having a large penis has micro penis

someone starts rumor about me for having a large penis has micro penis  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Sits in the back of class because he doesn't know anyone Catches multiple cute girls staring at him everday While they're really just looking at the homework on the back board

Sits in the back of class because he doesn't know anyone Catches multiple cute girls staring at him everday While they're really just looking at the homework on the back board  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

shovels snow for car behind my own to not appear like a douche car owned by cute neighbor, invites me in for coffee and gives me her number to ask if i'll shovel snow again

shovels snow for car behind my own to not appear like a douche car owned by cute neighbor, invites me in for coffee and gives me her number to ask if i'll shovel snow again  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

At a costume party ran in to an old acquaintance dressed as a fembot and spaced on her name Blurted out "i remember i was just Distracted by your guns" She was a Double Mastectomy Breast Cancer survivor

At a costume party ran in to an old acquaintance dressed as a fembot and spaced on her name Blurted out

Has epic trouble meeting women... finally gets in a relationship! All Her friends flirt with you.

Has epic trouble meeting women... finally gets in a relationship! All Her friends flirt with you.  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin
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