Socially Awesome Penguin

She gives it to you in the ass Her ass gets fucked.

She gives it to you in the ass Her ass gets fucked.  Socially Awesome Penguin

accidentally runs over a man oh its david cameron

accidentally runs over a man oh its david cameron   Socially Awesome Penguin

Has 500 facebook friends actually friends with all of them

Has 500 facebook friends actually friends with all of them  Socially Awesome Penguin

Get the cooked shopping cart every time walk with pimp-limp through walmart

Get the cooked shopping cart every time  walk with pimp-limp through walmart  Socially Awesome Penguin

wake up in the morning FEEL LIKE P.DIDDY

wake up in the morning FEEL LIKE P.DIDDY  Socially Awesome Penguin

Arrive before friends at a bar pretend to be texting

Arrive before friends at a bar pretend to be texting  Socially Awesome Penguin

stin farts bitches swoon

stin farts bitches swoon  Socially Awesome Penguin

Is caught sleeping in class Gets teacher to apologize for waking you up

Is caught sleeping in class Gets teacher to apologize for waking you up  Socially Awesome Penguin

accidentally type ;) instead of :) get laid

accidentally type ;) 
instead of :) get laid  Socially Awesome Penguin

introduces self to group of girls has an orgy

introduces self to group of girls has an orgy  Socially Awesome Penguin
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