Social Justice Sally

Your squicks are sex-negative and antifeminist Mine are feminist and totally justified and everyone should share them

Your squicks are sex-negative and antifeminist Mine are feminist and totally justified and everyone should share them  Social Justice Sally

Make fun of christians constantly? Fine Point out muslim misogyny and homophobia? Racist!

Make fun of christians constantly? Fine Point out muslim misogyny and homophobia?  Racist!  Social Justice Sally

Hate attention whores and celebrity worship? Antifeminist!

Hate attention whores and celebrity worship? Antifeminist!  Social Justice Sally

Victim blaming is wrong! How dare you tell girls not to drink and to be careful! Explosion in texas? Let's point out all the ways it could've been prevented and laugh at them

Victim blaming is wrong!   How dare you tell girls not to drink and to be careful! Explosion in texas?  Let's point out all the ways it could've been prevented and laugh at them  Social Justice Sally

women discriminated against? proof of misogyny! men discriminated against? also proof of misogyny!

women discriminated against?
proof of misogyny! men discriminated against?
also proof of misogyny!  Social Justice Sally

Dress code? Slut shaming!

Dress code? Slut shaming!  Social Justice Sally

Fights for trans rights Apparently doesn't know cis women can have facial and body hair and regularly shames them for it

Fights for trans rights Apparently doesn't know cis women can have facial and body hair and regularly shames them for it  Social Justice Sally

Expect me to know i can check the time on my phone? Ableist!

Expect me to know i can check the time on my phone? Ableist!  Social Justice Sally

Makes up a rule about not being able to tell parody from the real thing because it's too similar Because she doesn't understand parody

Makes up a rule about not being able to tell parody from the real thing because it's too similar Because she doesn't understand parody  Social Justice Sally

"omg! Look at this horribly offensive thing someone said/political cartoon!" It's from the onion

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