Skinhead John

i believe in a world without guns i dont

i believe in a world without guns i dont  Skinhead John

I just murdered someone and am probably going to prison where I will most likely be sodomized by other dangerous criminals. Something I should not be smiling at for any reason. I am a monster and a menace to society.

 I just murdered someone and am probably going to prison where I will most likely be sodomized by other dangerous criminals. Something I should not be smiling at for any reason. I am a monster and a menace to society.  Skinhead John

I wanted to talk to you today about my experience with the Amigos program Adios, Amigo

I wanted to talk to you today about my experience with the Amigos program Adios, Amigo  Skinhead John

Baby baby baby ohh like b.. i feel like simon from american idol

Baby baby baby ohh like b.. i feel like simon from american idol   Skinhead John

baby can you watch the kids on sunday. i need to get my head straight for work. did that help?

baby can you watch the kids on sunday. i need to get my head straight for work. did that help?  Skinhead John

I just bought a Mustang! Should have bought the camaro.

I just bought a Mustang! Should have bought the camaro.  Skinhead John

tengo dos entradas para ir a ver a oscar gangas!! ahi tenis una para tu funeral

tengo dos entradas para ir a ver a oscar gangas!! ahi tenis una para tu funeral  Skinhead John

Did you hear? Fifty more pages of annotations due tomorrow. Nope.

Did you hear? Fifty more pages of annotations due tomorrow. Nope.  Skinhead John

i support west ham united shut up cara

i support west ham united shut up cara  Skinhead John

Marijuanna shouldn't be legal neither should killing

Marijuanna shouldn't be legal neither should killing  Skinhead John
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