Skeptical Third World Kid

So your telling me YOLO has been replaced with #Buffalo

So your telling me YOLO has been replaced with #Buffalo  Skeptical Third World Kid

Hey, thanks for the new shirt! Did the patriots really win the superbowl this year?

Hey, thanks for the new shirt! Did the patriots really win the superbowl this year?  Skeptical Third World Kid

So you mean to tell me No one knows what Willis is talking about?

So you mean to tell me No one knows what Willis is talking about?  Skeptical Third World Kid

You're telling me minesweeper is a game to you

You're telling me minesweeper  is a game to you  Skeptical Third World Kid

You mean to tell me that you cooked 100 hot dogs and just forgot about them?

You mean to tell me that you cooked 100 hot dogs and just forgot about them?  Skeptical Third World Kid

So you're telling me, You have to finish your dinner because of me?

So you're telling me, You have to finish your dinner because of me?  Skeptical Third World Kid

So they have too much stuff And that's a problem?

So they have too much stuff And that's a problem?  Skeptical Third World Kid

You mean to tell me that you put fresh water into porcelain bowls just to piss in it?

You mean to tell me that you put fresh water into porcelain bowls just to piss in it?  Skeptical Third World Kid

Bitch, why the fuck would i praise someone who has the power to stop my suffering, but chooses not to?

Bitch, why the fuck would i praise someone who has the power to stop my suffering, but chooses not to?  Skeptical Third World Kid

So you're telling me, Kids cry because they have to go to school?

So you're telling me, Kids cry because they have to go to school?  Skeptical Third World Kid
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