Skeptical Third World Child

They called a book "The Hunger Games" Is it based on daily life in Africa

They called a book

Hmm ,Te cunosc de undeva ? Sunt ma-ta ba boule

Hmm ,Te cunosc de undeva ? Sunt ma-ta ba boule   Skeptical Third World Child

So you're telling me I can get 3000 twitter followers fast? And you only have 57 followers yourself?

So you're telling me I can get 3000 twitter followers fast? And you only have 57 followers yourself?  Skeptical Third World Child

I can have free food And all I have to do is read a book?

I can have free food And all I have to do is read a book?  Skeptical Third World Child

You mean to tell me people intentionally throw up after eating?

You mean to tell me people intentionally throw up after eating?  Skeptical Third World Child

You mean to tell me In the US, you can trade a red paperclip for a house?

You mean to tell me In the US, you can trade a red paperclip for a house?  Skeptical Third World Child

So you gonna write a story bout how you gave me this shirt and then you gonna get into college and come back here in four years and give everyone more shirts.

So you gonna write a story bout how you gave me this shirt and then you gonna get into college and come back here in four years and give everyone more shirts.  Skeptical Third World Child

So your telling me the Patriots shirts will be here tuesday

So your telling me the Patriots shirts will be here tuesday  Skeptical Third World Child

So you're telling me you won't eat food if it's been on the ground for 6 seconds

So you're telling me you won't eat food if it's been on the ground for 6 seconds  Skeptical Third World Child

So you're telling me you worried about *getting rid* of your water?

So you're telling me you worried about 
*getting rid* of your water?  Skeptical Third World Child
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