Sheltering Suburban Mom

You're 18 and dont want to go to church? I hope you can afford to pay us rent

You're 18 and dont want to go to church? I hope you can afford to pay us rent  Sheltering Suburban Mom

ProLife because there are other options besides abortion Never considers adopting just does what her husband says.

ProLife because there are other options besides abortion Never considers adopting just does what her husband says.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't know the answers So I don't try to understand

I don't know the answers So I don't try to understand  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says that she hates when people impose their religion on her Forces you to go to church

Says that she hates when people impose their religion on her Forces you to go to church  Sheltering Suburban Mom

you didn't answer your phone right away were you doing drugs?

you didn't answer your phone right away were you doing drugs?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Told her about cancer survival rates per countries tells me i forgot to factor in God's work

Told her about cancer survival rates per countries tells me i forgot to factor in God's work  Sheltering Suburban Mom

sends a meme about you spending too much time on facebook over facebook

sends a meme about you spending too much time on facebook over facebook  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Evolution is a lie Gets a flu shot every year

Evolution is a lie Gets a flu shot every year  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't believe in giving charity if they need money they should ask god for it

I don't believe in giving charity  if they need money they should ask god for it  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I'm not broadbrushing atheists But atheists have no moral code

I'm not broadbrushing atheists But atheists have no moral code  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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