Sheltering Suburban Mom

You should be able to choose what you want believe so long as it is what i believe

You should be able to choose what you want believe so long as it is what i believe  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Buys everything for their 20-something year old and pays all their bills "Why aren't you looking for a job?"

Buys everything for their 20-something year old and pays all their bills

Favorite show is That 70's show Against marijuana

Favorite show is That 70's show  Against marijuana   Sheltering Suburban Mom

says smoking pot is "bad for your brain" goes to bible study and watches fox news

says smoking pot is

Has a 'coexist' bumper sticker "Anyone who buys a Koran should be tracked by the FBI"

Has a 'coexist' bumper sticker

Finds out her daughter is having sex calls dr. phil

Finds out her daughter is having sex calls dr. phil  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"discovery channel is full of nonsense" Changes channel to foxnews

"Mormon's aren't Christians!" I don't like either candidate, but at least Romney is a Christian.

How could you look at your baby on the ultrasound And not think about how great God's miracles are?

How could you look at your baby on the ultrasound And not think about how great God's miracles are?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"you'll go to hell if you have premarital sex" Has an affair

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