Sheltering Suburban Mom

why don't you stop playing video games, they are bad for you and come watch TV with us instead?

why don't you stop 
playing video games, 
they are bad for you  and come watch TV with us instead?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

wanted two had five lectures kids about safe sex

wanted two
had five lectures kids about safe sex  Sheltering Suburban Mom

watching nature documentary changes channel when animals have sex

watching nature documentary changes channel when animals have sex  Sheltering Suburban Mom

'if you want to be somebody you have to go to college' didn't finish high school

'if you want to be somebody you have to go to college' didn't finish high school  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Thinks study abroad is an enriching experience daughter parties twice as much as she would at home

Thinks study abroad is an enriching experience daughter parties twice as much as she would at home  Sheltering Suburban Mom


 GETS DODGEBALL BANNED  Sheltering Suburban Mom

only wants to talk to you when your headphones are in

only wants to talk to you when your headphones are in    Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells child that they need more exercise Does nothing but drink wine and watch reality TV all day

Tells child that they need more exercise Does nothing but drink wine and watch reality TV all day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Stay at home mom Can't even cook the damn dinner

Stay at home mom Can't even cook the damn dinner  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Natural food is better Beer is sinful but pop is ok

Natural food is better Beer is sinful     but pop is ok  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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