Sheltering Suburban Mom

Worries about global warming Coats head in entire can of hairspray a day

Worries about global warming Coats head in entire can of hairspray a day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

volunteers you for food bank takes little sister to olive garden Caption 3 goes here

volunteers you for food bank takes little sister to olive garden Caption 3 goes here  Sheltering Suburban Mom

says she's right because she's older on a topic related to your generation

says she's right because she's older on a topic related to your generation  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"we need limits on immigration!" (husband hires maid, doesn't ask for green card)

NOTW but wants to tell you how to run yours

NOTW but wants to tell you how to run yours  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Hates Casey Anthony Had an abortion

Hates Casey Anthony Had an abortion  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Considers you sinful Shits in the toilet

Considers you sinful Shits in the toilet  Sheltering Suburban Mom

buys safest car money can buy won't get off phone while driving

buys safest car money can buy won't get off phone while driving  Sheltering Suburban Mom

watches fox news thinks world is too unsafe and moves family to mountains

watches fox news thinks world is too unsafe and moves family to mountains  Sheltering Suburban Mom

tells you to not eat junk food goes to mcdonalds every day

tells you to not eat junk food goes to mcdonalds every day  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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