Sheltering Suburban Mom

Both children off at college still has parental lock on TV-MA

Both children off at college still has parental lock on TV-MA  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says you're addicted to facebook Updates status

Says you're addicted to facebook Updates status  Sheltering Suburban Mom

tries to control everything but can't manage to do her job.

tries to control everything  but can't manage to do her job.   Sheltering Suburban Mom

love should be between a man and a woman! now shut up while i watch "sister wives"

love should be between a man and a woman!   now shut up while i watch

Says video games make children violent Buys violent video games for her children

Says video games make children violent Buys violent video games for her children  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Wants Women to be Respected Never votes for a woman

Wants Women to be Respected Never votes for a woman  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Runs weekly bake sale, hounds you for donations, says our schools need money Votes Republican

Runs weekly bake sale, hounds you for donations, says our schools need money Votes Republican  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Wants to make a playlist on itunes Unchecks all the songs she doesn't want. 568 songs.

Wants to make a playlist on itunes Unchecks all the songs she doesn't want. 568 songs.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

pokemon gotta catch em all

pokemon gotta catch em all  Sheltering Suburban Mom

titans season ticket holder Wears a Peyton Manning jersey when the colts are in town.

titans season ticket holder Wears a Peyton Manning jersey when the colts are in town.  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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