Sheltering Suburban Mom

Dont let cell phone touch body They cause cancer

Dont let cell phone touch body They cause cancer  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Refuses to have "the talk" paper thin walls kids can hear everything

Refuses to have

Can't play farmville throws router in garbage

Can't play farmville throws router in garbage  Sheltering Suburban Mom

bans videogames because of their level of violence promotes reading the bible

bans videogames because of their level of violence promotes reading the bible  Sheltering Suburban Mom

prohibits you from watching WWE watches ufc

prohibits you from watching WWE watches ufc  Sheltering Suburban Mom

you walk around all day with a neutral look to stave off questions about something thats not bothering you "why are you upset?"

you walk around all day with a neutral look to stave off questions about something thats not bothering you

Buys eco-friendly lightbulbs Drives a suburban

Buys eco-friendly lightbulbs Drives a suburban  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Switched back to dial-up The high speed internet had too many viruses

Switched back to dial-up The high speed internet had too many viruses  Sheltering Suburban Mom


WAT!! LOL  Sheltering Suburban Mom

marries a scumbag loser gets divorced. all men are assholes

marries a scumbag loser gets divorced. 
all men are assholes  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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