Sheltering Suburban Mom

Questioned on religion's many logical problems "God is not about logic"

Questioned on religion's many logical problems

THinks mature content will corrupt kids believes in original sin

THinks mature content will corrupt kids believes in original sin  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Am I the only one around here Who uses the wrong text for my meme's??

Am I the only one around here Who uses the wrong text for my meme's??  Sheltering Suburban Mom

People shouldn't publicly display their religions; it's inconsiderate Wishes everyone Merry Christmas in December

People shouldn't publicly display their religions; it's inconsiderate Wishes everyone Merry Christmas in December  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Mom is a complete asshole Must be because of her religion

Mom is a complete asshole Must be because of her religion  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Daughter gets called a name at school "GET THE GUN"

Daughter gets called a name at school

Doesn't want to go to mexico for spring break Ends up going and criticizes everybody who didn't want to go

Doesn't want to go to mexico for spring break Ends up going and criticizes everybody who didn't want to go  Sheltering Suburban Mom

volunteers you for food bank takes little sister to olive garden

volunteers you for food bank takes little sister to olive garden  Sheltering Suburban Mom

finds 2 empty beer cans in your room "are you an alcoholic?"

finds 2 empty beer cans in your room

Tells her son video games rots your brain Watches reality tv shows

Tells her son video games rots your brain Watches reality tv shows  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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