Sheltering Suburban Mom

Drags kids into Victoria's Secret Pedophiles are lurking between here and F.Y.E.

Drags kids into Victoria's Secret Pedophiles are lurking between here and F.Y.E.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Calls you a heathen for not going to church. Immediately watches football when she gets home.

Calls you a heathen for not going to church. Immediately watches football when she gets home.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Threatens to disown y8ou after having premarital sex Is an urban legend for cock sucking at her community college

Threatens to disown y8ou after having premarital sex Is an urban legend for cock sucking at her community college  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells kids that its bad to lie Married a corporate lawyer

Tells kids that its bad to lie Married a  corporate lawyer  Sheltering Suburban Mom

insists that daughter be in by midnight comes home wasted at 4 am several times weekly

insists that daughter be in by midnight comes home wasted at 4 am several times weekly  Sheltering Suburban Mom

lectures kids on the dangers of drugs and sex was the high school whore

lectures kids on the dangers of drugs and sex was the high school whore  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I'm sick of how the homeless are treated in America Someone should do a sheltering suburban mom about that

I'm sick of how the homeless are treated in America Someone should do a sheltering suburban mom about that  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"Practice safe sex!" Finds condoms in your room, grounds you for a month.


COMPLAINS ABOUT YOU STARING AT HER BOOBS doesnt wear a bra  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Yells at you for talking about video games all the time Spends every waking minute complaining about her job

Yells at you for talking about video games all the time Spends every waking minute complaining about her job  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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