Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lectures you about time spent on your computer Points at the monitor the whole time

Lectures you about time spent on your computer Points at the monitor the whole time  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Gets in fight with husband revenge sex with scumbag steve

Gets in fight with husband revenge sex with scumbag steve  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Congratulates husband on fat raise Takes half in divorce following year

Congratulates husband on fat raise Takes half in divorce following year  Sheltering Suburban Mom

opposes sexism has horrendously offensive attitudes about men

opposes sexism has horrendously offensive attitudes about men  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Believes abortion is murder Supports the death penalty, war, and own a few guns

Believes abortion is murder Supports the death penalty, war, and own a few guns  Sheltering Suburban Mom

i pray daily that my husband will die

i pray daily that my husband will die  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Has a child that plays video games Calls every platform a "nintendo"

Has a child that plays video games Calls every platform a

has a go at you for failing test never had to do tests

has a go at you for failing test never had to do tests  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says same sex marriage ruins familys IS DIVORCED

Says same sex marriage ruins familys IS DIVORCED  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Sees someone smoking a cig Call police because it might be a marijuanna cigarette.

Sees someone smoking a cig Call police because it might be a marijuanna cigarette.  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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