Sheltering Suburban Mom

Sees she is a meme sues

Sees she is a meme sues  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Reminds daughter to call 911 in case of emergency Rapist is a police officer

Reminds daughter to call 911 in case of emergency Rapist is a police officer  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"I'm such a coffee addict!" Drinks Caramel Vanilla Latte Frappuccinos

Scolds you for watching tv. Watches Greys Anatomy all day long.

Scolds you for watching tv. Watches Greys Anatomy all day long.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Freaks out when you come home with a "B" on your report card. Barely graduated from high school.

Freaks out when you come home with a

Grounds you for not answering your phone Never answers phone

Grounds you for not answering your phone Never answers phone  Sheltering Suburban Mom

says teenage pregnancy is wrong had you at 19

says teenage pregnancy is wrong  had you at 19  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"you can listen to rock music, its vile " loves akons sexy bitch

"you need to be more independent of me" stills scams ex-husband for every last penny

oppresses every word, thought, or feeling son has wonders why he doesnt speak his mind

oppresses every word, thought, or feeling son has wonders why he doesnt speak his mind  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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