Sheltering Suburban Mom

Stop doing your homework and watch tv with your family Sleeping? Don't you have homework to do?

Stop doing your homework and watch tv with your family Sleeping? Don't you have homework to do?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Making an international cuisine for her co-workers every Tuesday Never makes a meal for her family

Making an international cuisine for her co-workers every Tuesday Never makes a meal for her family  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I proudly voted for Obama Avoided black people for 27 years and counting

I proudly voted for Obama

  Avoided black people for 27 years and counting  Sheltering Suburban Mom

conservative bitch

conservative bitch  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Raises you atheist criticizes you for not believing in animal psychics

Raises you atheist criticizes you for not believing in animal psychics  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells her teenage daughter that she is fat Complains to the school that she has self esteem problems

Tells her teenage daughter that she is fat  Complains to the school that she has self esteem problems  Sheltering Suburban Mom

tells her kid to lose weight buys him hostess and mcdonald's every day

tells her kid to lose weight buys him hostess and mcdonald's every day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Won't allow son to drive home from work late at night because it isn't safe complains about having to drive slower in school zones

Won't allow son to drive home from work late at night because it isn't safe complains about having to drive slower in school zones  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't hate you because your fat Your fat because i hate you

I don't hate you because your fat Your fat because i hate you  Sheltering Suburban Mom


 IDGAF  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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