Sheltering Suburban Mom

Doesn't allow you to watch Titanic. Watches Titanic

Doesn't allow you to watch Titanic. Watches Titanic  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Hates Mexican names Fathers name is Jose

Hates Mexican names Fathers name is Jose   Sheltering Suburban Mom

every other sentence begins with "My son, the doctor..."

every other sentence begins with

Grow up kids, Plastic surgery

Grow up kids, Plastic surgery  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Smiles All Day

Smiles All Day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

teaches you that pre-marital sex is wrong fucks every other dad in the neighborhood but yours

teaches you that pre-marital sex is wrong fucks every other dad in the neighborhood but yours  Sheltering Suburban Mom

tells you get a job uses husband's credit card

tells you get a job uses husband's credit card  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Your Phone disappears randomly while home Find newly downloaded GPS tracker app the next day

Your Phone disappears randomly while home Find newly downloaded GPS tracker app the next day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lectures kids on dangers of intercourse buyes thongs for her 12 year old kids

Lectures kids on dangers of intercourse  buyes thongs for her 12 year old kids  Sheltering Suburban Mom

make sure you marry a nice christian girl divorced 3 times

make sure you marry a nice christian girl divorced 3 times  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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