Sheltering Suburban Mom

Feeds you, gives you a home, tries to raise you to be a good human being but she has different religious/political beliefs

Feeds you, gives you a home, tries to raise you to be a good human being but she has different religious/political beliefs  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Raises kids to be critical thinkers free of religion Tells them they're going to hell for their sins in their teens

Raises kids to be critical thinkers free of religion Tells them they're going to hell for their sins in their teens  Sheltering Suburban Mom

HOw can someone believe in bigfoot? You'd think there would be some evidence by now DEVOUT Catholic

HOw can someone believe in bigfoot? You'd think there would be some evidence by now DEVOUT Catholic  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says Louis Farrakhan is a hateful extremist watches the 700 club

Says Louis Farrakhan is a hateful extremist watches the 700 club  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Does not work Takes Friday, Saturday and Sunday off from making dinner.

Does not work Takes Friday, Saturday and Sunday off from making dinner.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Talks shit about family members on the way. Fakes acting interested in those people when we get there.

Talks shit about family members on the way.  Fakes acting interested in those people when we get there.   Sheltering Suburban Mom

"You can't do a job at the last minute" makes you do spring cleaning in november

Thinks teen drama is pointless Loves watching Teen Mom

Thinks teen drama is pointless Loves watching Teen Mom                                          Sheltering Suburban Mom

"Texting and driving kills" Puts on make up every day on the way to work

Explain yourself! Don't talk back to me!

Explain yourself! Don't talk back to me!  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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