Sheltering Suburban Mom

sends you to rehab for smoking a joint has a bottle of chardonnay nightly

sends you to rehab for smoking a joint has a bottle of chardonnay nightly  Sheltering Suburban Mom

farebbe davvero qualsiasi cosa per i propri bambini dopo che questi hanno urlato abbastanza imbarazzandola in pubblico

farebbe davvero qualsiasi cosa per i propri bambini dopo che questi hanno urlato abbastanza imbarazzandola in pubblico  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Freaks out at daughters first boyfriend Was a slut all throughout high school and college

Freaks out at daughters first boyfriend Was a slut all throughout high school and college  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Doesn't want daughter to be a whore. Sleeps with gardener.

Doesn't want daughter to be a whore. Sleeps with gardener.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Always says 'Look before you leap' Never checks her blind spot

Always says 'Look before you leap' Never checks her blind spot  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Hates homosexuality Was a lesbian in college

Hates homosexuality Was a lesbian in college  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Constantly gives parenting tips, Feeds kids easy mac.

Constantly gives parenting tips, Feeds kids easy mac.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Doesnt want her children to curse Curses all the time

Doesnt want her children to curse Curses all the time   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells children to get out more Doesn't let them out after 5pm

Tells children to get out more Doesn't let them out after 5pm  Sheltering Suburban Mom

You have strait A's? It's cause i fucked the principal

You have strait A's? It's cause i fucked the principal  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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