Sheltering Suburban Mom

"Honey come down for dinner" "Well, Just Pause it" One second mom, I'm playing a game video with my friend, online.

Drives a 4wd SUV To be able to drive over curbs at pantstown

Drives a 4wd SUV To be able to drive over curbs at pantstown  Sheltering Suburban Mom

When you were born, you didn't come with an instruction manual! 48,000 on Amazon

When you were born, you didn't come with an instruction manual! 48,000 on Amazon  Sheltering Suburban Mom

claims playing video games are hurting her kids watches every trashy reality tv show all day and night

claims playing video games are hurting her kids watches every trashy reality tv show all day and night  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Illegal Immigrants need to go Cul-De-Sac employs mexican 'landscapers'

Illegal Immigrants need to go Cul-De-Sac employs mexican 'landscapers'  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lets her kid ride bike around neibourhood Follows alongside in her car

Lets her kid ride bike around neibourhood Follows alongside in her car  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Meets good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg.

Meets good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg. Wait...there is no good guy Greg.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lectures kids on dangers of drinking Empties two bottles of wine a week

Lectures kids on dangers of drinking Empties two bottles of wine a week  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't always comment on your facebook status but when i do, no one else wants to penis

I don't always comment on your facebook status but when i do, no one else wants to penis  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Drives her Hummer in HOV lane alone Bails as soon as she spots a cop

Drives her Hummer in HOV lane alone Bails as soon as she spots a cop  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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