Sheltering Suburban Mom

hates Mexicans orders tacos and burritos every Friday night

hates Mexicans orders tacos and burritos every Friday night  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Thinks her kids are the best. Makes sure you think so to.

Thinks her kids are the best. Makes sure you think so to.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Respects your privacy Creates fake facebook account

Respects your privacy Creates fake facebook account  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells you she loves you forks you in your dreams

Tells you she loves you forks you in your dreams  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Considers you sinful Shits in the toilet

Considers you sinful Shits in the toilet  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Yells at you for not being "Civil" Is a goddamn emotionally abusive bitch

Yells at you for not being

"dang," "darn," and "shoot" are swear words When you say them, you really piss me off

"I'm not Racist, My race is just better than their's"

"Works out" for 3 hours at the country club Doesn't Sweat

Works at TMZ Failed Actress

Works at TMZ Failed Actress  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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