Sheltering Suburban Mom

My pussy is glued to a building on fire

 My pussy is glued to a building on fire  Sheltering Suburban Mom

'Pro-Life' Supports capital punishment

'Pro-Life' Supports capital punishment  Sheltering Suburban Mom

won't let son play football afraid he'll get hurt

won't let son play football afraid he'll get hurt  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Doesn't believe in evolution. Takes medicine based on knowledge of genetics

Doesn't believe in evolution. Takes medicine based on knowledge of genetics   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Never once picked up a musical instrument insists to her kids that they just need to find their potential

Never once picked up a musical instrument insists to her kids that they just need to find their potential  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells you not to talk with your mouth full Asks you a question while you're eating and bitches when you don't answer immediately

Tells you not to talk with your mouth full Asks you a question while you're eating and bitches when you don't answer immediately  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Has cancer Never tells her son, just to collapse him

Has cancer Never tells her son, just to collapse him  Sheltering Suburban Mom

goes to church every sunday to suck off her boss in the parking lot

goes to church every sunday to suck off her boss in the parking lot  Sheltering Suburban Mom

hears you talk about twitter with friends thinks "hash-tag" is a strain of marijuana

hears you talk about twitter with friends thinks

Complains about how busy she is House messy, laundry dirty, fridge empty

Complains about how busy she is House messy, laundry dirty, fridge empty  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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