Sheltering Suburban Mom

hears you sneeze says god bless you

hears you sneeze says god bless you  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Donates only to overseas charities "Americans wouldn't be hungry if they believed in Jesus"

Donates only to overseas charities

The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow make sure to clean your room before she gets here

The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow make sure to clean your room before she gets here  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells me to help her back a travel trailer onto a slanted hill Uses it falling off the block as an excuse to not do anything for my birthday

Tells me to help her back a travel trailer onto a slanted hill Uses it falling off the block as an excuse to not do anything for my birthday  Sheltering Suburban Mom

cleans a room shuts the door because she doesn't want company to see it

cleans a room  shuts the door because she doesn't want company to see it  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Does not allow you to swear Wants to know where her fucking coffee is

Does not allow you to swear Wants to know where her fucking coffee is  Sheltering Suburban Mom

You didn't call me when you were at your friend's house Did you lose your cellphone?

You didn't call me when you were at your friend's house Did you lose your cellphone?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Is vegetarian wears leather shoes

Is vegetarian wears leather shoes  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Get's on "the Facebook" Doesn't realize everyone can read what's she writes on her kid's wall

Get's on

Worries about cigarette smoke when pregnant Drinks Alcohol

Worries about cigarette  smoke when pregnant Drinks Alcohol  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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