Sheltering Suburban Mom

Mormons are bad people voting for mitt romney

Mormons are bad people voting for  mitt romney  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"black people get everything handed to them by the government" lives off of social security checks

Installed Sims 3 by himself Blames all future problems on you

Installed Sims 3 by himself Blames all future problems on you  Sheltering Suburban Mom

sees you having a good time gives you a job

sees you having a good time  gives you a job  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Who are these internet people? you always talk to on your video games?

Who are these internet people? you always talk to on your video games?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Oh you have a flu and a headache? that's just because you sit in front of your computer so much

Oh you have a flu and a headache? that's just because you sit in front of your computer so much  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I bet the Mayas are up in heaven Laughing at us for believing all the stuff they wrote

I bet the Mayas are up in heaven Laughing at us for believing all the stuff they wrote  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"I can't watch anything about the Newtown shooting, it's too horrible." Makes me turn off football to watch every news report about the shooing

I'll pretend I didn't see that

I'll pretend I didn't see that  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Ca vaux-tu la peine? Quel est le prix de la peine?

Ca vaux-tu la peine? Quel est le prix de la peine?  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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