Sheltering Suburban Mom

Finally starts beliving in evolution at 50 years old mermaids

Finally starts beliving in evolution at 50 years old mermaids  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"it's too late to go to a friend's house, you could get jumped!" runs at midnight with her headphones in

Why can't Food be Natural? uses splenda in coffee everyday

Why can't Food be Natural? uses splenda in coffee everyday  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says tv is bad for her child's development Forces her to pretend cook and play with imaginary friends

Says tv is bad for her child's development Forces her to pretend cook and play with imaginary friends  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tamerlan Tsarnaev should be tried for crimes against humanity

Tamerlan Tsarnaev should be tried  for crimes against humanity  Sheltering Suburban Mom

A man was beheaded in London!? I'll bet Obama wont do anything about it!

A man was beheaded in London!? I'll bet Obama wont do anything about it!  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Of course evolution isn't real Adam and eve weren't monkeys

Of course evolution isn't real Adam and eve weren't monkeys  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Demands to drive colossal suv "For safety" lacks basic spatial reasoning skills

Demands to drive colossal suv

Son kisses girl on the lips for the first time Tells him to stop

Son kisses girl on the lips for the first time Tells him to stop  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Wins the lottery Buys mom jeans

Wins the lottery Buys mom jeans  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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