Sheltering Suburban Mom

Spills water on the floor: it's only water you spill water on the floor: FUUUUUUUUUUuuuu

Spills water on the floor: it's only water you spill water on the floor: FUUUUUUUUUUuuuu  Sheltering Suburban Mom

buys generic cereal and puts it in brand name boxes eats the real stuff in front of you

buys generic cereal and puts it in brand name boxes eats the real stuff in front of you  Sheltering Suburban Mom

i will not allow you to live under my roof if you are going to Use pot

i will not allow you to live under my roof if you are going to Use pot  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"You spend way too much time on the internet" "You should spend time with your family" while watching tv

Religion doesn't evolve it just changes over time

Religion doesn't evolve it just changes over time  Sheltering Suburban Mom

reads webmd pizza causes cancer

reads webmd pizza causes cancer  Sheltering Suburban Mom

lectures kids about watching too much tv watches tlc and 'real housewifes' every night.

lectures kids about watching too much tv watches tlc and 'real housewifes' every night.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Complains daughter is too shy. Keeps her locked inside all her childhood to protect her.

Complains daughter is too shy. Keeps her locked inside all her childhood to protect her.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

You're not old enough to know what you believe about God

You're not old enough to know what you believe about God   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Titans season ticket holder Wears a Peyton Manning jersey when the colts play the Titans

Titans season ticket holder Wears a Peyton Manning jersey when the colts play the Titans  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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