Sheltering Suburban Mom

I campaign For Freedom Because Argentina is in my heart

I campaign For Freedom Because Argentina is in my heart  Sheltering Suburban Mom

chaperones school dance, dances with husband embarrasses her kids to the brink of suicide

chaperones school dance, dances with husband  embarrasses her kids to the brink of suicide  Sheltering Suburban Mom

blames son for slow internet uses ie

blames son for slow internet uses ie  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Read all the latest parenting books Ends up raising 'the situation'

Read all the latest parenting books Ends up raising 'the situation'  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"You are not allowed to watch the simpsons!" watches raunchy soap operas

thinks mcla deserves guns williams college alumni

thinks mcla deserves guns williams college alumni  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't think you're really an atheist because I don't think you know what an atheist is, all an atheist is is someone who picks on christianity

I don't think you're really an atheist because I don't think you know what an atheist is, all an atheist is is someone who picks on christianity  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Is a strong, independent woman Since she has the pin number for her husband's debit card

Is a strong, independent woman Since she has the pin number for her husband's debit card  Sheltering Suburban Mom

If down's syndrome kids are so special Why do they want to cure it?

If down's syndrome kids are so special Why do they want to cure it?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I voted for obama because i'm not racist

I voted for obama because i'm not racist  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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