Sheltering Suburban Mom

Yells at you for texting at the dinner table uses her Ipad at the dinner table

Yells at you for texting at the dinner table uses her Ipad at the dinner table  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tells you not to objectify women secretly loves dom and sum sex and has a gag ball collection

Tells you not to objectify women secretly loves dom and sum sex and has a gag ball collection  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says she is not racist when saying "those people," she means Blacks

Says she is not racist when saying

"That is a luxury we can't afford." New iPhone, Coach purse, Cadillac Escalade


NIGGERS IN MY BUTT  Sheltering Suburban Mom

I tell her my internet just randomly cut off from my computer. Says "Maybe it's a sign from god to get off the computer."

I tell her my internet just randomly cut off from my computer. Says

If there is no God Then who wrote the Bible?

If there is no God
 Then who wrote the Bible?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

MAVAV is protecting our children

MAVAV is protecting our children  Sheltering Suburban Mom

avoids talking to her kids about sex it'll be awkward

avoids talking to her kids about sex it'll be awkward  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says Mexicans Can't Do Anything Right Hires mexican gardeners

Says Mexicans Can't Do Anything Right Hires mexican gardeners  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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