Sheltering Suburban Mom

I don't want mixed race grandchildren They're not pure

I don't want mixed race grandchildren  They're not pure  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Complains that nothing is made in america anymore Drives honda, shops at walmart

Complains that nothing is made in america anymore Drives honda, shops at walmart  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Going to the science expo? No, I don't want to think too much.

Going to the science expo? No, I don't want to think too much.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

son spends the night at black friend's house checks him for drugs when he gets back

son spends the night at black friend's house checks him for drugs when he gets back  Sheltering Suburban Mom

finds and destroys your pot by throwing it in the fireplace

finds and destroys your pot by throwing it in the fireplace   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lectures son about his foot fetish Frequently partakes in bdsm

Lectures son about his foot fetish Frequently partakes in bdsm  Sheltering Suburban Mom

why would it be in fiction class the bible is 100% true

why would it be in fiction class the bible is 100% true  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Opposes abortion wishes she never had you

Opposes abortion wishes she never had you  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Told kids santa is imaginary talks to jesus every morning

Told kids santa is imaginary talks to jesus every morning  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Evolution was made by the devil to test our faith

Evolution was made by the devil to test our faith  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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