Sheltered Suburban Kid

Is walked behind by a black man heart rate increases, palms mace

Is walked behind by a black man heart rate increases, palms mace  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Boyfriend turns 21 Tells him better not be drink'n because her mom said its the devil

Boyfriend turns 21 Tells him better not be drink'n because her mom said its the devil  Sheltered Suburban Kid

That hobo sings really well Not giving him any money

That hobo sings really well Not giving him any money  Sheltered Suburban Kid

"karma's a bitch." completely misunderstands the concept

"I'm a good kid" Tries blow; suck's off dealer and all his friends

Friends joke around saying I'm ugly they aren't joking

Friends joke around saying I'm ugly they aren't joking  Sheltered Suburban Kid

i heard america had slums... but dry walls?

i heard america had slums... but dry walls?  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Claims brendo is sheltered. because he never went to functions.

Claims brendo is sheltered. because he never went to functions.  Sheltered Suburban Kid

Dad slaps her in the face...abuse Minorities get full beatings with belts and other Solid objects

Dad slaps her in the face...abuse  Minorities get full beatings with belts and other Solid objects  Sheltered Suburban Kid

we have a dishwasher his name is manuel

we have a dishwasher  his name is manuel   Sheltered Suburban Kid
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