Sexually Oblivious Female

rusty trombone? i polished it yesterday!

rusty trombone? i polished it yesterday!  Sexually Oblivious Female

why you want to toss my salad? it's already tossed you silly gentleman!

why you want to toss my salad? it's already tossed you silly gentleman!  Sexually Oblivious Female

Said he'd love to "hit it" Hitting isn't nice

Said he'd love to

SugarBang? Is that when you get frosted highlights in your hair?

SugarBang? Is that when you get frosted highlights in your hair?    Sexually Oblivious Female

Make me come? But I'm right here!

Make me come? But I'm right here!  Sexually Oblivious Female

Look at art on your ceiling? That's what museums are for, silly...

Look at art on your ceiling? That's what museums are for, silly...  Sexually Oblivious Female

Busting a nut? Well sure I enjoy pecans at christmas.

Busting a nut? Well sure I enjoy pecans at christmas.  Sexually Oblivious Female

dirty sanchez? Is that what they call the jets quarterback because he's always on the ground?

dirty sanchez? Is that what they call the jets quarterback because he's always on the ground?  Sexually Oblivious Female

Doggystyle? I'm not really a fan of Snoop Dog's music!

Doggystyle? I'm not really a fan of Snoop Dog's music!  Sexually Oblivious Female

You want to come inside me? Are you like, a surgeon?

You want to come inside me? Are you like, a surgeon?
  Sexually Oblivious Female
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