Scumbag america

Has sufficient earnings to afford proper nutrition is fat

Has sufficient earnings to afford proper nutrition  is fat  Scumbag america

Sanctions Iran over nuclear technology development have multitudes of their own warheads

Sanctions Iran over nuclear technology development have multitudes of their own warheads  Scumbag america

Covers the state of WAshington To shield it from all the rain

Covers the state of WAshington To shield it from all the rain  Scumbag america

20 Children die in a school shooting Assholes everywhere flock to the internet to celebrate their 2nd amendment rights and praise their "benevolent" creator.

20 Children die in a school shooting Assholes everywhere flock to the internet to celebrate their 2nd amendment rights and praise their

Wants to spread democratic ideals throughout the world. Miranda rights for foreign terrorists? Lol fuck that commie shit.

Wants to spread democratic ideals throughout the world.  Miranda rights for foreign terrorists? Lol fuck that commie shit.  Scumbag america

Races world to be first on the moon Claims territory with flag

Races world to be first on the moon Claims territory with flag  Scumbag america

Exports Democracy and weapons Imports oil

Exports Democracy and weapons Imports oil  Scumbag america

has the highest amount of Nobel prize winners and scientists also has the highest number of climate change and evolution denialists

has the highest amount of Nobel prize winners and scientists  also has the highest number of climate change and evolution denialists  Scumbag america

1916: Detroit Best City in World 2016: Worst City in the World

1916: Detroit Best City in World 2016: Worst City in the World  Scumbag america

meanwhile, in america a gigantic orgy makes the front page of reddit

meanwhile, in america a gigantic orgy makes the front page of reddit  Scumbag america
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