Scumbag Youtube

About to see shocking video Asks to register

About to see shocking video Asks to register  Scumbag Youtube

You can skip this ad in: 5, 4, 3, 2, buffering...

You can skip this ad in:  5, 4, 3, 2, buffering...  Scumbag Youtube

Starts video at 480p randomly goes down to 240p even when video isn't buffering

Starts video at 480p randomly goes down to 240p even when video isn't buffering  Scumbag Youtube

I see you enjoyed that TED Talk You should check out these unboxing videos

I see you enjoyed that TED Talk You should check out these unboxing videos  Scumbag Youtube

Filter for videos too adult for viewers under 18 no boobs in any videos

Filter for videos too adult for viewers under 18 no boobs in any videos  Scumbag Youtube

Oh, you paused to let the video buffer? I just figured you were takin' a break, LOL

Oh, you paused to 
let the video buffer? I just figured 
you were takin' a break, LOL  Scumbag Youtube

Advertisement buffers more than your video

Advertisement buffers more than your video  Scumbag Youtube

click ahead of 10 second intro buffers for 15 seconds

click ahead of 10 second intro buffers for 15 seconds  Scumbag Youtube

Wanna show your friends a funny commercial? Here, watch this commercial before watching your commercial

Wanna show your friends a funny commercial? Here, watch this commercial before watching your commercial  Scumbag Youtube

video takes longer to load than advertisement

video takes longer to load than advertisement   Scumbag Youtube
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