Scumbag Uncle Sam

get felony can't vote

get felony can't vote  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Terrorists hate freedom takes away freedom

Terrorists hate freedom takes away freedom  Scumbag Uncle Sam

That nominates YOU for biggest douche in the universe award

That nominates YOU for biggest douche in the universe award  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Wake up, wake up, wake up it's the first of the month. Get up, get up, get up cash yo... Awe, too soon?

Wake up, wake up, wake up it's the first of the month. Get up, get up, get up cash yo... Awe, too soon?  Scumbag Uncle Sam

borrows economy breaks it

borrows economy  breaks it  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Lets Madonna move to England. Introduces Rebecca Black.

Lets Madonna move
to England. Introduces Rebecca Black.  Scumbag Uncle Sam

I want to fuck you Christy MAck

I want to fuck you Christy  MAck  Scumbag Uncle Sam

revolutionary war over taxes taxes more than britain

revolutionary war over taxes taxes more than britain  Scumbag Uncle Sam

niggers fuck them lol penis SOCKET LOLOLOL lololol face eyes mouth hat

niggers fuck them lol penis SOCKET LOLOLOL lololol face eyes mouth hat  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Uncle sam wants you to say Fuck Canada DAY

Uncle sam wants you to say Fuck Canada DAY  Scumbag Uncle Sam
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