Scumbag Uncle Sam

owes chinese trillions of dollars "we never shook hands, brah"

owes chinese trillions of dollars

"Higher gas prices are hurting the economy" Blocks major crude OIL pipeline

i want you to shut the fuck up!!

i want you to shut the
fuck up!!  Scumbag Uncle Sam

"he deserves bravery award"

"Hey Valerie.... What does this smell like??

Lucky for you this is america If we were in China, I'd take you out back and pop a cap in your head for mocking the the government.

Lucky for you this is america If we were in China, I'd take you out back and pop a cap in your head for mocking the the government.  Scumbag Uncle Sam

needs national anthem steals english drinking song

needs national anthem steals english drinking song  Scumbag Uncle Sam

voted into congress doesn't listen to people listens to highest bidder that gives me a nice paycheck

voted into congress doesn't listen to people listens to highest bidder that gives me a nice paycheck  Scumbag Uncle Sam

i know what you do at night!

i know what you do at night!  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Gives You Active Duty Makes you wait 9 months for BOLC

Gives You Active Duty Makes you wait 9 months for BOLC  Scumbag Uncle Sam
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