Scumbag Uncle Sam

says you're protected you from unreasonable searches and seizures has an extremely narrow definition of "unreasonable"

says you're protected you from unreasonable searches and seizures has an extremely narrow definition of

Helps Make Your Country Free To Host US Bases

Helps Make Your Country Free To Host US Bases  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Claims to be the land of the free and home of the brave Passes patriot's act, has the highest jail rate in the world, and supports big business.

Claims to be the land of the free and home of the brave Passes patriot's act, has the highest jail rate in the world, and supports big business.   Scumbag Uncle Sam

Elect President on platform of "yes we can" Whic+h played backwards says "Thank you, Satan."

Elect President on platform of

Protects Libyan civilians pepper sprays its own

Protects Libyan civilians pepper sprays its own  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Terrorists have left him alone for almost 10 years Kills their leader to piss them off

Terrorists have left him alone for almost 10 years Kills their leader to piss them off  Scumbag Uncle Sam

"if we have the time and resources... ...we can do any amount of dick-measuring waste"

china urges us to raise debt ceiling so we don't default "nah brah, we got this"

china urges us to raise debt ceiling so we don't default

I can handle your money better than you can we're thriving

I can handle your money better than you can we're thriving  Scumbag Uncle Sam

Hey brah, can I borrow 21.6 billion? You're a grad student, what else you gunna do with it?

Hey brah, can I borrow 21.6 billion? You're a grad student, what else you gunna do with it?  Scumbag Uncle Sam
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