Scumbag Teacher

Says Kids today are too wild Grew up in the 80's

Says Kids today are too wild Grew up in the 80's  Scumbag Teacher

Records lectures on the lowest volume setting

Records lectures on the lowest volume setting  Scumbag Teacher

You didn't make enough mistakes in your rough draft do it again

You didn't make enough mistakes in your rough draft do it again  Scumbag Teacher

Puts video on smartboard Presses play with mouse

Puts video on smartboard Presses play with mouse  Scumbag Teacher

Complains that the we don't do our homework Still hasn't graded 2nd essay when it's finals week and we've had 4 other essays since

Complains that the we don't do our homework Still hasn't graded 2nd essay when it's finals week and we've had 4 other essays since  Scumbag Teacher

you missed my class because of chemotherapy? sorry, thats just how life works

you missed my class because of chemotherapy? sorry, thats just how life works   Scumbag Teacher

Ask teacher in my international program for some help after class, get told she's not going to change the way she speaks because I'm American I'm Canadian

Ask teacher in my international program for some help after class, get told she's not going to change the way she speaks because I'm American I'm Canadian  Scumbag Teacher

Quiz Tomorrow Homework tonight will not be on the quiz

Quiz Tomorrow  Homework tonight will not be on the quiz   Scumbag Teacher

these two textbooks are absolutely essential for this class, you will need them to pass this class a month left of class and haven't used the textbooks once, assigns readings from completely different books

these two textbooks are absolutely essential for this class, you will need them to pass this class a month left of class and haven't used the textbooks once, assigns readings from completely different books   Scumbag Teacher

teaching english on a bad visa for 5,000 rmb a month should i pay 10,000 rmb for a good one?

teaching english on a bad visa for 5,000 rmb a month should i pay 10,000 rmb for a good one?  Scumbag Teacher
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