Scumbag Teacher

Starts class early Ends class late

Starts class early Ends class late  Scumbag Teacher

I gave you this skit assignment 20 mintues ago Why haven't you written, proofread, and memorized your lines yet?

I gave you this skit assignment 20 mintues ago Why haven't you written, proofread, and memorized your lines yet?  Scumbag Teacher

I'm sorry, but the answer is "New York Times vs. Sullivan" Not "Sullivan vs New York Times"

I'm sorry, but the answer is

The test is only 3 questions Question 1 Part a, b, c, d, e Question 2 Part A, B, C ,D Question 3 Part a, b, c, d, e, f,g ,h

The test is only 3 questions Question 1 Part a, b, c, d, e
Question 2 Part A, B, C ,D
Question 3 Part a, b, c, d, e, f,g ,h  Scumbag Teacher

Is issued a school computer Resigns and steals it. "I earned this."

Is issued a school computer Resigns and steals it.

do you want to teach the class?

 do you want to teach the class?  Scumbag Teacher

Want's Your Senior Year to be awesome Doesn't let you have an overnight senior trip

Want's Your Senior Year to be awesome Doesn't let you have an overnight senior trip  Scumbag Teacher

Gets mad at class for wasting 15 seconds Spends 15 minutes telling you how much time you wasted

Gets mad at class for wasting 15 seconds  Spends 15 minutes telling you how much time you wasted  Scumbag Teacher

Fractions are our friends! Decimals are not fractions

Fractions are our friends! Decimals are not fractions  Scumbag Teacher

Let you do something quiet until other people are done with test Doesn't let you draw

Let you do something quiet until other people are done with test Doesn't let you draw  Scumbag Teacher
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