Scumbag Teacher

Shows up to class 10 minutes late Holds class 10 minutes late to make up for it

Shows up to class 10 minutes late Holds class 10 minutes late to make up for it  Scumbag Teacher

Teaches Modern East Asian History Refuses to answer questions about the situation in North Korea

Teaches Modern East Asian History Refuses to answer questions about the situation in North Korea  Scumbag Teacher

There is no right or wrong way to do this assignment Marks students down for "not posing the right questions"

There is no right or wrong way to do this assignment Marks students down for

Nice paper too bad it wasn't my opinion Gives you a D.

Nice paper too bad it wasn't my opinion  Gives you a D.   Scumbag Teacher

tells you everything on the study guide will be on the exam exam totally different

tells you everything on the study guide will be on the exam exam totally different   Scumbag Teacher

Shows a video in class Leaves mouse in the middle of the video the entire damn time

Shows a video in class Leaves mouse in the middle of the video the entire damn time  Scumbag Teacher

Let's you use a sheet of compounds all year. 3 weeks before midterms, makes you memorize them

Let's you use a sheet of  compounds all year. 3 weeks before midterms, makes you memorize them  Scumbag Teacher

"Dont worry, I wont mark your work late." Marks work late

You just got lectured on cardiopulmonary dysfunction an hour ago? Ok, I assume you all are familiar enough to answer questions about it

You just got lectured on cardiopulmonary dysfunction an hour ago? Ok, I assume you all are familiar enough to answer questions about it  Scumbag Teacher

Makes a powerpoint uses comic sans

Makes a powerpoint  uses comic sans   Scumbag Teacher
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