Scumbag Steve

Stops party music puts on headstrong

Stops party music puts on headstrong  Scumbag Steve

Offers to retune guitar at party Breaks E string

Offers to retune guitar at party Breaks E string  Scumbag Steve

types just enough that you can't read the thumbnail shitty punchline

types just enough that you can't read the thumbnail shitty punchline  Scumbag Steve

Asks to borrow phone goes through all of your texts

Asks to borrow phone goes through all of your texts  Scumbag Steve

"Bro it's not what it looks like." it's Exactly what it looks like

Tells you to call him Doesn't answer his phone

Tells you to call him Doesn't answer his phone  Scumbag Steve

Takes your money to buy you trees Never gets the trees and keeps your money

Takes your money to buy you trees Never gets the trees and keeps your money  Scumbag Steve

buys a 40 sack, and gets 7 grams sells to best friend, sells 4 grams for 40 uses the 40 he made to get more weed and now he has 10gs and smokes your weed cuz says he worked to hard for his weed

buys a 40 sack, and gets 7 grams sells to best friend, sells 4 grams for 40 
uses the 40 he made to get more weed and now he has 10gs and smokes your weed cuz says he worked to hard for his weed   Scumbag Steve

Passes 50 patient drivers knowing that the lane is closed ahead gets pissed off when you won't let him in even though his blinker is on

Passes 50 patient drivers knowing that the lane is closed ahead gets pissed off when you won't let him in even though his blinker is on  Scumbag Steve

says hes one of your good friends Keeps track of how many times he smokes you out

says hes one of your good friends Keeps track of how many times he smokes you out  Scumbag Steve
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