Scumbag Steve

Uses his i pad to watch a movie on the plane doesn't use headphones

Uses his i pad to watch a movie on the plane doesn't use headphones  Scumbag Steve

I need you to help me Smoke all this spice

I need you to help me Smoke all this spice  Scumbag Steve

Finishes toilet paper roll Leaves it there

Finishes toilet paper roll Leaves it there  Scumbag Steve

hates facebook complaining complains about it on facebook

hates facebook complaining complains about it on facebook  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't show up to a good friends funeral "why should i go to his if he is not coming to mine?"

Doesn't show up to a good friends funeral

"Mandatory meeting with free pizza" no pizza

Writes college research essay "Why marijuana should be legalized"

Writes college research essay

always wears bluetooth never on the phone

always wears  bluetooth never on the phone  Scumbag Steve

Asks for one of your Arby's fries takes the biggest curliest one

Asks for one of your Arby's fries takes the biggest curliest one  Scumbag Steve

Goes to subway stays on phone while ordering

Goes to subway stays on phone while ordering  Scumbag Steve
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