Scumbag Steve

Gets into an argument with you on reddit downvotes all of your rebuttals

Gets into an argument with you on reddit downvotes all of your rebuttals  Scumbag Steve

Didn't bring any cooking utensils to university Uses yours and leaves them for you to wash

Didn't bring any cooking utensils to university Uses yours and leaves them for you to wash  Scumbag Steve

Says He's Wearing A Hat Isn't

Says He's Wearing A Hat Isn't  Scumbag Steve

Sees someone got a parking ticket on their car Takes the ticket, tears it up and throws it away

Sees someone got a parking ticket on their car Takes the ticket, tears it up and throws it away  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't introduce you to anyone at the party gets mad when you only talk to him

Doesn't introduce you to anyone at the party gets mad when you only talk to him  Scumbag Steve

Hey bro, can I bum a cigarette? Pulls out unopened pack an hour later

Hey bro, can I bum a cigarette? Pulls out unopened pack an hour later  Scumbag Steve

Buys 'pay what you want' indie bundle pays 1 cent

Buys 'pay what you want' indie bundle pays 1 cent  Scumbag Steve

Actually did something useful for once Makes a GGG meme for himself

Actually did something useful for once Makes a GGG meme for himself  Scumbag Steve

God's Creation is perfect in every way possible Has braces

God's Creation is perfect in every way possible Has braces  Scumbag Steve

Gets you high for the first time practices wwe moves on you until you puke

Gets you high for the first time practices wwe moves on you until you puke  Scumbag Steve
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